Friday, November 20, 2009
FREE Real Estate iTunes Application for DC, MD VA Home Buyers and Sellers - Valarie Jacobs
Download my FREE Real Estate Apple Application on iTunes!
You can use the application to:
1. Search the MLS and gain the same access as real estate agents.
2. Call, Text or Email me immediately
3. Easily send me your exact location or the location of properties for immediate feedback.
4. Access facebook, twitter, youtube or... my blog.
5. Use mortgage calculator
and more more more.....
This is just one more way that I am trying to make the real estate process easier for all of my clients. Enjoy :)
Simply click the link below!
Download FREE Real Estate iTunes Application
Valarie Jacobs
EXiT Dynamic Realty
301-476-8005 office
202-528-4761 cell
Friday, October 30, 2009
"Because I Have Buyers to Make Offers on Houses in DC MD and VA Today!"
That's the answer to the question that I always get:
"Valarie, how do you have to such success at getting your short sales completed?"
Networking is the key to success in this industry!
One of the main reasons that I have such great success with my clients who need short sales is because of the networking and business relationships that I have formed.
In order to be a successful agent or investor, you must build your data base of buyers, sellers, investors, lenders and title companies. They all support and feed one another. So how do you do this and why?
Buyers and Sellers
Buyers and Sellers are everywhere! You should be letting everyone that you meet know what you are doing. Many people talk to people all day long and don't mention what they have to offer. "How can people provide you with business if they don't know that you are in business?" It is very important to build a buyer and a seller list.
Investors are the best! They will buy the properties that nobody else wants. Investors have "vision" that the normal buyer just doesn't have. You should be attending real estate investing meetings such as DMV REIA to increase your presence in this somewhat closed society. Once you start attending and and becoming more familiar with the investors, you will find that investors can be an awesome resource.
You should seek out relationships with different lenders. You would be surprised at the differences between them. Never count on just one. Lenders are a great source for referrals! When you send your lender client leads, a good lender will return the favor. Many lenders are open to co-marketing as well if you agree to give them the business that comes from the joint business venture.
Title Companies
Title companies are a little harder to build relationships with but this is a must, especially if you do short sales. They can provide your preliminary HUD statements for you. This is very valuable when you are on a timeline for a deal. Just make sure that you return the favor by letting them complete the closing for doing all that free work for you.
As you can see, I make sure that everyone benefits from working with me. If you are only concerned with your success, you will not have much business or success for very long. Always ask yourself "How can I form a partnership with a client or business to ensure that they will benefit more than I will?" If you keep that question first, your business and support system will be overflowing.
Go create some lasting networks!
Valarie Jacobs
"The Real Estate Physician"
Visit My Webpage
301-476-8005 office
202-528-4761 cell
Thursday, October 29, 2009
What is the best way to protect myself if I'm buying property with another person?" Valarie Jacobs, MD DC VA Real Estate
There are a number of different options for taking title to a property. When one or more people purchase a home it is called "concurrent ownership interest" . Each person has interest in the "entire" property.
The three forms of concurrent ownership:
1. Joint Tenants
2. Tenants in Common
3. Tenants by the Entirety
Joint tenancy is when two or more people own an entire undivided piece of property. Joint Tenancy has a "Right of Survivorship". This means that if one on the owners dies the other owner continues to have an undivided ownership interest in the home. If there is more than one co-owner, then the remaining owners continue to have an undivided interest in the property until only one owner remains. The last remaining owner gains full ownership of the property.
Tenants in common is when two or more people own property and there is no Right of Survivorship. Each owner has a specific interest in the property. This interest in the property can be transferred by inheritance and this interest can also be sought after by creditors. Each owner has equal share of the entire property.
Tenants by the entirety can only be held by husband and wife owners. It is very similar to Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship. Neither husband nor wife can sever ownership in the property without the others consent, so neither can sell any part of the property without the consent of the other. Creditors are also banded from coming after any interest in the property. Co-ownership in property can only be cancelled by death of either spouse, divorce or mutual agreement.
Knowing the different methods of taking title to property, can serve to be very valuable when purchasing real estate. This should help you make a wise decision when purchasing your property.
"Feel free to call if you have any questions or concerns regarding real estate. I love helping!"
Valarie Jacobs
"The Real Estate Physician"
Visit My Website
301-476-8005 offfice
202-528-4761 cell
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
DC MD and VA Realtors and Real Estate Investors Come Together!
Saturday, November 7th
Hilton Garden Inn
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Apple Application Every Parent Should Have - "Texting Codes Finally Exposed"
Text messaging code and shorthand slang is a kind of "foreign language" that many people today need to know in order to keep up to date, understand instant messages, emails, online chats, and to keep children safe online and on their cell phones.
In the past couple of years, kids' and teens are incorporating these letter-sentences and words into their speech (sometimes referred to as kidspeak). This text code jargon is even appearing in school papers and becoming a challenge to teachers and parents.
This Apple application is an advanced guide to shorthand terms used in cell phones, (IM) instant text messages, chat rooms, email, on online gaming, and on discussion boards.
I know this is far removed from real estate but we are parents first...don't be left in the dark!
The name of my Apple Application is "Secret Texting Codes Finally Exposed"
Check it out and let's stay aware of what's going on in the lives of our children.
Valarie Jacobs
DC MD VA Real Estate Investors and Agents Blanket Drive For Homeless Youth!
DMV REIA takes our motto "Where Investors work together for the success of us ALL!" to heart.
It is now the time of year where we all come together not just for the success of ourselves but for the benefit of everyone.
We have adopted the Covenant House. Every year, children and youth living in the District of Columbia and surrounding areas face challenges no young person should have to endure. They are homeless, living in poverty, lacking adequate healthcare and victims of violence.
Covenant House Washington was established in May 1995 to address widespread problems of homelessness and poverty among teenagers and young adults. With an open intake philosophy, CHW readily embraces those youth who take the first step to change their lives. No youth in crisis is ever turned away.
Hypothermia season is the time of year when the temperature is likely to drop below freezing levels. Hypothermia is a life-threatening condition occurring when a person's body temperature goes below 95 degrees due to exposure to cold and wet conditions. Hypothermia season last until March 31st. Every year the Covenant House host a Blanket Drive. Their goal this year is to collect 400 blanket.
When we heard about the lack of support for homeless youth, we knew our members would help. DMV REIA is going to have a Blanket Drive at the November 7th meeting. We will be collecting new and gently used blankets. You can support this effort by bringing a blanket, simply spreading the word about this effort or reposting this to your facebook page.
As usual, we appreciate you and all of your support. Please forward this message to your contacts so that we can help fight hypothermia for our area homeless youth.
Hilton Garden Inn
7810 Walker Dr., Greenbelt., MD 20770
9:00am to noon
Jeff Levin, Specialty Lending Group
Learn how to acquire hard money lending for up to $7,500,000 for your real estate deals. Specialty Lending Group specializes in lending for fast closings and has helped hundreds of investors find solutions to the special investor needs! He will also share tips the make this sometimes difficult process run smoothly.
Don't miss the opportunity to speak directly with the person who makes the final decisions for these deals. As you know, this can sometimes make all the difference!
Barrett Matthews, Real Property Solutions
Learn how to protect yourself on your insurance policies when dealing with tenants or a a homeowner yourself.
Learn who to contact and what to do before contacting the insurance company to make a claim.
What are the insurance mythes and lies that make your protection cloudy?
Speak with and ask questions directly to Barrett Matthews, Public Adjuster, before speaking with your insurance company!@
We hope to see all of you at this event. Prizes and raffles will given out during the throughout the day.
See Ya there!
Valarie Jacobs and Dante Mayo
DMV REIA Presidents
"Where Investors Work Together For The Success of Us ALL!"
DMV REIA Mission
1. To be the premier networking organization for real estate professionals in DC, Maryland Virginia and surrounding areas.
2. To provide a forum for the exchange of the most relevant and timely investment ideas and knowledge.
3. To foster the creation of capital formation in all areas of real estate investment.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
FREE Money for Real Estate, Business and Education in DC, Maryland and Virgina - Valarie Jacobs
Chris Johnson is known as America’s Top Educator teaching people how to find and obtain all the FREE MONEY they need to buy Real Estate, start or expand a Business or get a college or university Education! His knowledge and expertise regularly has him sharing the stage with Donald Trump, Suze Orman, Tony Robbins and Robert Kiyosaki with thousands of people in attendance.
The U.S. Government is the largest “Money Vault” on the planet. What do I mean by this? Well just that. There is literally Billions of Dollars in what I call FREE MONEY in the form of Government Grants, Loans and Subsidies available in three main categories; Real Estate, Business and Education. The reason I say “Money Vault” is that even if people know it is there, (which most people don’t), they really have no idea how to get it. In other words, they don’t have the “Magic Key” to unlock this vault.
His FREE MONEY SYSTEM, is the key to unlock this money vault so you can receive all the cash you need to finance your Real Estate deals, start or improve a Business or send you or your kids to the top colleges and universities around the country all paid for by the Government.
There is FREE MONEY for a down payment on a house, pay your closing costs, renovate and fix up your properties, pay your rents and mortgages to name just a few. Entrepreneurs who are thinking of starting up a Business, can receive all the start up capital they need, including money for equipment, vehicles, employees etc. even if you already have a business, and just want to expand your business there is money available for you. The wealthy people often send their children to private schools, college and university compliments of Uncle Sam. Why shouldn’t the rest of us? Well the answer is we can!
This money is available from all levels of Government; Federal, State, County and Municipal. In fact over $400 Billion is given away to people and businesses just like you every year! With over 1,400 Federal and 17,000 State programs available there are many programs you are eligible for. The Government takes the money from us in the form of taxes, then gives it back in the form of Grants, Loans and Subsidies, for many reasons, including boosting the economy, revitalizing neighborhoods and improving education. Additionally, there are tens of thousands of Scholarship programs and Private Foundations that provide funding to people for a variety of needs.
When he speaks to sellout audiences all across the county, people often ask, “Chris, if there is so much money available, why don’t I know about it, or how do I get it?” These are excellent questions, and the answer is simply that the government really does not advertise these programs, and since there several thousand of them out there, a person needs to research the specific one they want, and find out from them how to apply. His knowledge in this area has him constantly invited to speak to groups all around the country to teach his FREE MONEY SYSTEM, which teaches people how find the right program for them, and successfully apply for this money.
With million’s of people getting money to start a Business, invest in Real Estate and receive funding for their Education, it’s about time you looked into unlocking this gigantic Money Vault for yourself.
Chris is a dynamic, exciting and motivating speaker and will be at DMV REIA on Saturday October 3rd at the Knights of Columbus in College Park, MD. Specifically he will show you how to:
Find money to BUY Real Estate
Find money for a DOWN PAYMENT
Find money to REHAB Real Estate
Find money to DEVELOP Real Estate
Find money to START a BUSINESS
Find money to EXPAND a BUSINESS
Find GRANTS for Real Estate
Find money to CHANGE CAREERS
As you probably already can imagine, we will have to limit seats for such a awesome event. RSVP now!
To RSVP click Here:
Reserve my seat for FREE Grant Money
Females in the Real Estate Industry have Broken the Glass Ceiling! - Valarie Jacobs
More than 20 years ago the term "glass ceiling" was first introduced into pop culture. This term refers to the condition where women become limited in how far they can advance within an organization or profession. Although openly discussed things took a while to change. Fortunately, our industry has evolved into an equal opportunity business.
Rewarding career possibilities for women are abundantly available in real estate. By utilizing their entrepreneur spirit, creative and talented women are enjoying unprecedented levels of success because they possess the right mix of interpersonal and analytical skills, negotiating prowess and a capitalist spirit.
Industry giants also are committed to advancing opportunities for women, both internally and externally, through involvement in educational programming and corporate initiatives. These efforts support female brokers seeking leadership experience and enable them to demonstrate these capabilities in every facet of their business.
America's leading corporations are now requiring their business units to collaborate with suppliers who reflect their own consumer and employee population--both of which, coincidentally, are mostly dominated by women.
As evidence of this trend, one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world spent $24 billion as part of its corporate diversity program during the past 10 years. In 2006, the communications giant dispersed $15.5 billion in contract awards to minority-and women-owned suppliers. These contracts accounted for 13% of the total procurement base. The corporation's current goal is to procure 21.5%, or almost one-fourth, of its total procurement contracts--including commercial real estate assignments--from diversity-owned enterprises. In terms of dollars, projections estimate this amount will surpass $8 billion annually.
This is why male brokers can no longer subscribe to the philosophy that they control 100% of a given client's business. In reality, they are handling only 75 to 80% of the business. Just over 20% is allocated for involvement by minority- and women-owned businesses. Furthermore, mandates require DIRECT involvement by fully certified firms at the negotiating table and in carrying out the contracted services. As a result, women and minorities now have a dominant presence at meetings with leading corporate decision-makers.
For women the time for expanding your role in real estate is now. There are so many opportunities to break through the glass ceiling. Women have become a vital component of the work force and no longer need to hesitate in negotiating more aggressively on their own behalf. The laws are now on our side no longer do we have to abide by the glass ceiling it has been shattered and we are free!
Click the link and Join Female Real Estate Alliance. This awesome group of Female Real Estate Professionals is Breaking Glass Ceilings Everyday!
Valarie Jacobs
"The Real Estate Physician"
President - F.R.E.A, DMV REIA
My Website
Maryland, DC, and VA Real Estate Investors and Agents are coming out from behind the Telephones and PDA's!
"I do believe that it is extremely important that each one of us is a participant in life and what's going on around us rather than being a spectator to it and if you do that, if you participate in the world, in your community, your school, your company, or your country, whatever… then you will be useful and hopefully leave the planet a little better."
-Janet Holmes a Court
Court gained fame and notoriety from taking control of her late husband's (Robert Holmes à Court) business. She also took that excellent business and made it truly great and went on to become one of Australia's richest women.
"So what has this got to do with real estate?" Court’s thoughts on bettering the community carries with it countless opportunities to meet prospective clients. Frequently since the onset of the digital age we have forgotten the way to people’s hearts is face to face interaction. We send emails or text messages never realizing how much less important you become to the client that way. By opening up the communication to include car washes or bake sales, or inviting them out to lunch, or simply going for a walk, you will differentiate yourself from other Realtors and Investors by becoming a acquaintance instead of just another advertiser.
Participating in your community and getting face to face with your customers is one of the golden rules of real estate. It is a perfect way to meet people who live in houses without having to add any pressure. Simply starting up a conversation and making sure some time while talking with them they know you are an agent or investor. If they want more information, they will ask.
Court also commented on the way her husband chose to run the business versus the way she did (remember she made this business a huge success), “The company was quite hierarchical. I often think it was like a pyramid with Robert (husband Robert Holmes à Court) at the top and lots of us paying homage to him. I try to turn the pyramid upside down so that I'm at the bottom and bubbling away and encouraging people and energizing them so that they are all empowered so that they can do what they need to do, now that's the dream.”
She understood the way to form a successful company is to include all the people that help run it. The same is true for real estate. By bringing your local community together you will be expanding your sphere of influence and making the planet you live on a little nicer. A win win solution for everyone!
Valarie Jacobs, Realtor/Investor Coach
"The Real Estate Physician"
Valarie's Website
301-476-8005 office
Feel free to contact Valarie about any real estate question or come out and network with her and other local real estate professionals at DC MD & VA Real Estate Investor Association (DMV REIA) every first Saturday. DMV REIA Website
Valarie Jacobs is also the President of the Female Real Estate Alliance (F.R.E.A). This is a network of women from all over the country who have come together from many real estate industries to network and support each other in business.
FREA Website
Low Cost Bathroom Updates for Home Owners and Real Estate Investors - Valarie Jacobs
Boost Cabinet Efficiency - Add pullout shelves to deep cabinets to keep necessities in order and viewable. Equipping cabinet interiors with these sliding surfaces helps you avoid digging around in the dark or buying more of the things you already have on hand.
Trendy Tiles - If you love the look of pricey hand-painted or imported tile but you're on a budget, include a few in a random pattern among affordable field tiles. You can find basic 4x4-inch white field tiles for under $5 a square foot uninstalled.
Wake Up Your Walls - Painting is always a simple do-it-yourself weekend project that can transform a room. Buy mold- and mildew-proof primers and paints. Create a spa mood with watery blues, greens, and neutrals. Add more color with towels, soaps, and candles.
Add Function - Make taking a bath and maintaining the tub more convenient by installing a handheld sprayer. It eases chores such as rinsing hair and cleaning the tub.
If you have any friends, family or loved ones looking to buy or sell a home this month, please give them my name!
Valarie Jacobs
"The Real Estate Pysician"
301-476-8005 office
202-528=4761 cell
DC Buyers Receive Huge Grant For Beautiful Condos and Townhomes! DC Home Sales - Valarie Jacobs
Condo is located in a distinctive re-energized community comprised of new and renovated flats and townhouses ranging in size from one to four bedrooms. It's close to downtown and with a convenient Metro stop, residents can easily commute anywhere in the Washington DC metro area.
Condos include:
- Ceramic Tile Flooring in the Bathroom
- Vanity cabinets with laminate tops
- Chrome matte finished faucets
- Stainless Steel Appliances
- Full Size Washer and Drier
- 18 c.f. frost-free refrigerator with ice maker
If you know anyone who is in the market to buy a home in DC, have them give me a call! This development has tons of grant money and they are giving it a way. They just gave my last client $55,000!
Valarie Jacobs
"The Real Estate Physician"
My Website
Click Here to Call Me Now
301-476-8005 office
202-528-4761 cell
Click Here if you want a "Call Me Now" Button:
I want a "Call Me Now" Button
Maryland, DC and VA Real Estate Investors and Real Estate Agents Learn to Make More Sales - Valarie Jacobs
When questions aise and prospects are on your site, or reading your email, they need help NOW!....not tomorrow, not by an email, they demand immediacy. I started using "realPing" realPing bridges a "regular" phone call from the consumer to you in seconds.
The distinctive caller ID lets you know it's a live prospect needing assistance. This prospect can "ping you from your email, website, blog, virtual tour, just about anywhere online. You avoid the phone and email tag game and immediately set yourself apart from everyone else. Everyone is after your prosepects, leads and website visitors so you need to be a First Responder and lock up the opportunity.
You can also remotely upload files to your client immediately from your phone and after the call is completed your cliant will be sent an "Exit Page" with your relevant links or any other information that you choose. You will then get a text message with all the details about your client.
I love it and wanted to pass it on.
Here is the link if you want to test it out or read more about it:
I want a "Call Me Now" Button or Link
Valarie Jacobs
"The Real Estate Physician"
My Website
Click Here to Call Me Now
301-476-8005 office
202-528-4761 cell
"When its raining, Do you see clouds or light?"
We all have rainy days in our lives, finances, family but even when it appears to be raining there is always light as well. You have to force yourself to find it. Focus on the good...the light. Whatever you focus on will expand.
Valarie Jacobs
"The Real Estate Physician"
My Wesite
Maryland, DC and VA Real Estate Buyers, Seller and Investors ask Valarie Jacobs her Real Estate Short Sale Secret
This is the question that I received in my mailbox today. There are actually no huge secrets to completing short sales. The process is actually quite simple. Many try to make it seem as if there is a great mystery and that you must spend tons of money to find out the process.
I have successfully completed tons of short sales and taught many to complete them with great success in a few hours. The most important aspects to completing short sales are follow up and organization.
Call the banks everyday to follow up on your files. Always remain calm and kind. NEVER argue with the loss mitigator! You want to be a "friendly pest". This way they never forget you or your client and when you call back with your next client the loss mitigator may remember you. Plus, they can't wait to get rid of you...which ussually means an approval.
You also want to document every call and what was said even if you just left a message. This documentation can be very valuable later in the negotiation phase.
Good Luck with your short sales...Go Make Some Money!
If anyone else has a question, send it to me in an email. I may answer your question in a note so that everyone has the benefit of learning.
Valarie Jacobs
"The Real Estate Physician"
301-476-8005 office
202-528-4761 cell
Click link to call Valarie now
Join me every first Satuday at DMV REIA I'd love to network with you! DMV REIA Website
"Do I Need a Real Estate Agent to Do a Shortsale on a Home?" MD DC VA Real Estate Buyers and Sellers Want to Know!
Yes, you can complete a short sale without being a real estate agent; however, as you stated many banks highly prefer that a licensed agent is representing the client. Solving this problem is quite simple. Partner with a real estate agent who has knowledge and experience closing short sales and who has experience working with investors so that they understand your exit strategy. (I'm available of course :) This will satify the bank, you will have a valid listing agreement and you will have back up buyers should the first contract not work out.
Many investors don't want to work with realtors because they feel that the agent will kill their deal. The key is to find a knowledgable agent who knows real estate investing. (I'm avalable of course :) This partnership can turn out to be a win win for everyone involved.
If you truly prefer not to work with a licensed agent, you can have the client write a letter stating that the house is a "FSBO" Include how long the seller has been trying to sell the home themselves and if they have received any other offers. Most banks still want to see that the house has been listed by a licensed realtor (I'm avaliable of course :)
Since I am a licensed realtor, I always use an agent when I conduct a short sale.
A great place to meet and network with investor agents who are very investor savvy is at the upcoming DMV REIA meeting. We meet the first Saturday of each month. For more information go:
DMV REIA website
If you have a question about real estate or real estate investing, feel free to email me.
Good Luck....Go Make Some Money!
Valarie Jacobs
"The Real Estate Physician"
Valarie's Website
301-476-8005 office
202-528-4761 cell
Click the here to call me now
If you would like to get a "call me now" link or button go to:
I want call me now link
Friday, August 14, 2009
MD, DC and VA Real Estate Investors and Agents Are Coming Out From Behind the Cell Phones and PDA's
Maryland, DC, and VA Real Estate Investors and Agents are coming out from behind the Telephones and PDA's!
"I do believe that it is extremely important that each one of us is a participant in life and what's going on around us rather than being a spectator to it and if you do that, if you participate in the world, in your community, your school, your company, or your country, whatever… then you will be useful and hopefully leave the planet a little better."
-Janet Holmes a Court
Court gained fame and notoriety from taking control of her late husband's (Robert Holmes à Court) business. She also took that excellent business and made it truly great and went on to become one of Australia's richest women.
"So what has this got to do with real estate?" Court’s thoughts on bettering the community carries with it countless opportunities to meet prospective clients. Frequently since the onset of the digital age we have forgotten the way to people’s hearts is face to face interaction. We send emails or text messages never realizing how much less important you become to the client that way. By opening up the communication to include car washes or bake sales, or inviting them out to lunch, or simply going for a walk, you will differentiate yourself from other Realtors and Investors by becoming a acquaintance instead of just another advertiser.
Participating in your community and getting face to face with your customers is one of the golden rules of real estate. It is a perfect way to meet people who live in houses without having to add any pressure. Simply starting up a conversation and making sure some time while talking with them they know you are an agent or investor. If they want more information, they will ask.
Court also commented on the way her husband chose to run the business versus the way she did (remember she made this business a huge success), “The company was quite hierarchical. I often think it was like a pyramid with Robert (husband Robert Holmes à Court) at the top and lots of us paying homage to him. I try to turn the pyramid upside down so that I'm at the bottom and bubbling away and encouraging people and energizing them so that they are all empowered so that they can do what they need to do, now that's the dream.”
She understood the way to form a successful company is to include all the people that help run it. The same is true for real estate. By bringing your local community together you will be expanding your sphere of influence and making the planet you live on a little nicer. A win win solution for everyone!
Valarie Jacobs, Realtor/Investor Coach
Valarie's Website
Feel free to contact Valarie about any real estate question or come out and network with her and other local real estate professionals at DMV Real Estate Investor Association every first Saturday.
Valarie Jacobs is also the President of the Female Real Estate Alliance (F.R.E.A). This is a network of women from all over the country who have come together from many real estate industries to network and support each other in business.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Maryland DC & VA Real Estate Investors "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"
Well, as you know it started to storm. My mom suggested that the girls and I just stay at her house. I told her that I didn't mind driving in the rain but I could tell that she really wanted us to stay. I decided to stay.
Well just in case you don't have kids yet...the grand kids come before all. All parents get kicked to the curb for the grand kids. So as they went upstairs to their resort style rooms and flat screen tv's, I got my spot on the couch.
My mom gave me nice cozy sheets and pajamas for the couch and I proceeded to settle down. I noticed all the windows in the foyer and asked about the sunlight that might come in. She assured me that "The sun rises behind the house."and that wouldn't be a problem.
I went to sleep and noticed that I kept hearing "tic tic tic" "tic tic" "tic tic tic tic" every fifteen minutes. So at first, I sat up wondering if someone was trying to break in the house. Then I thought it might be some kinda clock. I found out later that my youngest daughter had previously used the canopy bed upstairs as a trapeze and now it was broken so everytime she moved on the bed "tic tic tic tic"
My new thing is,"Don't sweat the small stuff". So even though "tic tic tic" every fifteen problem. I finally stopped waking up around 3:30am and fell asleep. At 6:15am the sun greets me with a great gleaming smile. I can't believe it..."I thought you were gonna rise on the other side of the house...aarrggghh!"
But my new motto is..."Don't sweat the small stuff" I give up at 6:45am and decided to do some internet marketing. I get up and go upstairs to the computer room making sure to tip toe...don't wanna wake anybody you know. I turn on the computer. "MY MOM DOESN'T HAVE WIRELESS!!!" Are you kidding me? Am I being punked? I didn't even know you could still use dial up.
Ok problem. I'll just wait. 645am...not online 7:00am...not online 7:15am...not online 7:30...not online
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, so I text my dad. He says " just have to wait" Ok no problem. I'll go make a bowl of cereal. It will definitely be on when I get back.
So I go down stairs for a healthy bowl of cereal. Let's see what my choices are: Frosted Flakes, Fruit Loops, Golden Grahams, Sugar Pops.... I found some Total great! I sit down with my Total Bran Flakes, fresh blueberries and ice cold milk.....yum...can't wait for my first bite. As the spoon settles in my mouth something isn't right....hey....yuck...omg I run to the sink. I immediately go and check the date on the milk. The date is June 3rd. "Why is that in the frig?!?!" (My mom told me later she uses it for cooking.)
I decided to just go back to the computer 8:00am...not online
8:15am - I'm online yippee.
8:20am Everyone wakes up bright eyed and bushy tailed from their wonderful refreshing sleep. My mom goes downstairs and makes homemade waffles with a choice of either blueberries, strawberries, nuts or bananas.
Why did I tell you this story?
One: Just to make you laugh.
Two: To encourage you to look at everything as a blessing. Look at this wonderful funny story that I can think about and laugh. Every experience that you have can be interpreted differently. Glass half full or glass half empty. I could have let all those things ruin my day and put me in a bad mood. Instead, I decided to write it all down so that I would not forget "The night I spent at my mom's" whenever I want laugh.
What experiences can you turn into something positive today?
Valarie Jacobs
Friday, June 5, 2009
Alert: ALL Maryland DC VA Real Estate Investors - Watch this video!
DC/MD/VA Real Estate Investing and Training - DMV REIALearn Real Estate Investing Strategies for Maryland, DC and Virginia at the top rated Real Estate Investment Club in DC, MD and VA! Meet fellow Real Estate Buyers and Investors near you! Come to a local Real Estate Buying & Investing Club to discuss properties on the market, contracts, mortgages and anything else about land and realty. We have training on the latest investment techniques. If you are not serious about making alot of m... | |
Kris Kirshner "The Brown Truck Millionaire" Is Coming to DC MD & VA to Meet You! Who Ever Heard of the “Brown Truck Millionaire?” If making over $15,000 a month, part-time buying and selling houses using none of your money or credit sounds good to you, then you’ve got to meet the “Brown Truck Millionaire” Kris Kirschner at our meeting on Saturday June 6th . Kris is a former struggling UPS driver who fast tracked from driving a brown truck to wealthy real estate entrepreneur. After a lot of trial and error, he devised a fool-proof autopilot® complete real estate system that allowed him to quit his job and become a bona-fide millionaire in just 23 months buying, selling and holding single family houses using none of his money and none of his credit. Kris is different. He's not a pretend expert who wrote a book 20 years ago and never did the business, or did it so long ago it no longer matters. He not only talks the talk, he walks the walk. In fact, at the seminar you can listen in as Kris calls sellers live for P... Hilton Garden Inn Greenbelt See the full event details at Kris Kirshner LIVE at DMV REIA. | |
Check out what members are saying about DC/MD/VA Real Estate Investing and Training - DMV REIA: "Quality networking." - John Marion "Good information; it's not extremely large (yet). But expected when in a buyer's market. Personally I like the smaller groups because you get to know the players and meet most people (at least those that come on a regular basis). Past experience from other groups that started out like this one (say 1998) and then grew very large during the seller's market; those that you met when it was starting you are still in contact with over 10 years later and almost everyone from then are still in the business." - L Green "It's a good investment for the membership fee. There's a lot of good free information being shared and no pressure to buy something." - Eddie Bell "This was the first meeting I've attended and I really enjoyed it. You make a person feel comfortable and wanted. I look forward to attending more meetings and joining your bird dogging program. I began networking with other investors and got a lot of really great information and advice." - Ted Washington "They really try to help the small investor. They are NOT a bunch of pitch people. If you want to associate with a good group I would check them out." - Brian Ginter |
Monday, June 1, 2009
Kris Kirshner, Real Estate Millionaire will call sellers for Maryland DC and VA Real Estate Investors this Saturday!
We sent you an email invitation a few days go about this month’s meeting with the “Brown Truck Millionaire” Kris Kirschner on the 2 ways to buy and sell houses using none of your money or credit and we had more people register for this event than EVER before. Everyone’s excited to see Kris because he’s going to call Sellers live at the event for REAL PROOF that you can make enormous pr’ofits in just 5 hours a week in any and every market.
At the DMV REIA seminar June 6th you’ll see how Pennye McFarland made $10,061 in 12 days using Kris’s Fas’t Money Strategy, how Cindy Parker-Katz made $49,000 in 17 days using Kris’s BIG MONEY Strategy, and how Russ and Sue Daniel made $316,776 in two months using a combination of the 2 strategies, neither of which require your money or credit!
If you haven’t REGISTERED on-line at yet do it now. When you do you’ll be able to receive a FREE GIFT at the event from Kris. It’s a $170.00 “Money Bag” of audio CD’s on how to make over $15,000 a month, part-time, using none of your money or credit!
P.S. Check your mailbox again for a yellow postcard from Kris
P.P.S. – If you haven’t heard the short audio interview with Kris just
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Valarie Jacobs - Maryland DC & VA Real Estate Investors - "Get on the Internet and Get your Money!"

If you are not learning and keeping up to date with the latest technology, "YOU ARE LOSING MONEY!"
I know that during your busy daily lives sometimes it doesn't seem as though we have the time to learn new techniques and strategies for our business especially if your old strategies and techniques seem to be working.
The facts are...if you haven't incorporated Internet Marketing into your marketing game plan, you have just put your business on a death sentence. People use the Internet to find everything especially real estate.
You must make your presence known on the Internet via social media, blogs, videos or a combination of all. You will notice an instant increase in customers and sales if you take the time to market your real estate business via the Internet. Whenever I want more business, I simply go to the Internet. Once you begin, you will not believe all of the business that has been passing you by.
If you are already using Internet marketing, decide today to increase your efforts to get more business. If you are not doing Internet marketing, decide today that you will learn and implement what you have learned immediately.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
FREE Real Estate Wealth Seminar in Maryland DC & VA with Kris Kirshner and DMV REIA
DMV REIA - Maryland DC VA Real Estate Investing ClubLearn Real Estate Investing Strategies for Maryland, DC and Virginia at the top rated Real Estate Investment Club in DC, MD and VA! Meet fellow Real Estate Buyers and Investors near you! Come to a local Real Estate Buying & Investing Club to discuss properties on the market, contracts, mortgages and anything else about land and realty. We have training on the latest investment techniques. If you are not serious about making alot of ... | |
FREE Seminar: Brown Truck Millionaire - Kris Kirshner DO NOT MISS THE DMV REIA June 6th MEETING! Hilton Garden Inn Greenbelt See the full event details at | |
Check out what members are saying about DMV REIA - Maryland DC VA Real Estate Investing Club: "This group seems to have a lot of motivated members." - Ozie Jackson "If serious about investing it is a great networking venue. Everything needed is there." - Cindy Schaller "Others should join DMV REIA because it has alot of positive energy. We provide investors an environment they can learn in, grow in, and feel comfortable in. We allow time for plenty of networking, deal announcements, and we are giving back to the community. We will be doing something for the Covenant House once per quarter. We make everyone feel welcome and feel an ownership of the REIA like it's their REIA." - Dante Mayo "This group is amazing. The education provided to the members is top notch! The members are the best. I love this group. Everyone is so willing to help one another and share information. It doesn't seem possible that the meetings can get better every month...but they do! This REIA is absolutely awesome and the networking is unreal. Can't wait until next month!" - Valarie "Valarie is a great resource for any new investor! As a trainer of hundreds of local investors, I think this would be a great meetup to connect with!" - Frazier O'Leary |
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Maryland, DC & VA Real Estate Investors Need Help Closing Deals - Valarie Jacobs, DMV REIA

Maryland, DC & VA Real Estate Investors Needs Some Help!
"I Have A Real Estate Lead Now What Do I Do?" Part 1
Real Estate Agents and Investors are saturated with "Marketing for Real Estate", "Internet Marketing for Real Estate Investors", "Marketing 101 for Real Estate Agents", etc. While marketing is extremely important, if you master the marketing and don't know what to do with the lead...You don't make any money! Many of you go from tape to class, from class to seminar, from seminar to bootcamp, from bootcamp to webinar, from webinar to blog... When are you gonna go to the bank?
Do you know why most of you have not done a deal or enough deals? You are afraid of this step right here! The rest of you are not afraid but you don't know what to do next or haven't been taught properly. So let's talk about what to do when you get a lead.
Many of you get to this step and lose the deal. What is your closing ratio? Do you know? Do you document when leads call in, where they call from and how many calls end with a deal? This step is not fun but it is very important. Again, I want to move past this step as well.
Let me get some very basic marketing key points out of the way.
You want your leads to find you. It is much easier to get a deal when your client has raised their hand and said "Please help me". Just imagine...when you are at your house and you hear a knock on the door. If you are not expecting may be asleep, you may be afraid...most of us peek first or if you are like me I just don't answer the door; however, if you have invited someone are dressed, the house is nice and you are happy and ready for their arrival. This is the same for your leads when you call them. Find a way for them to call you. I will give you ideas in a future note.
Ok, so you got the lead to call you. What do you want from this call?
The first step is to prescreen the lead:
Your reasons for prescreening are:
1. Ask the RIGHT questions
2. Get basic info regarding the property
3. Determine their true motivation
4. Determine your next step
Confidence is the most important characteristic to exhibit over the telephone. Confidence not cockiness. Many of the people who are calling you are ready to do something now. If they don't choose to work with you, it's because of one of two reasons:
1. they didn't like you
2. they didn't trust you
So how can you show confidence if you don't have it? Or maybe you do have it but you aren't organized so something just doesn't sound quite right to the client.
You need a basic property information sheet. Don't try to remember all the questions. It doesn't work. Veteran investors often get tired of this step but inevitably you forget to ask something. The property information sheet will keep you on track and in control of the conversation. If you don't have a property information sheet, call me and I will send one to you.
Now you may have to take a moment to build a little rapport with the lead before you dive to deep in the questions. Feel your client out. If they are more of a slow paced person, then take it down a notch. If they are spitting the information out to you, then write it down and then just go back and fill in the blanks. Remember in real estate you are in sales. You are selling yourself to sellers and hopefully as time goes on you will be selling the idea of creative financing, owner financing, taking a price less than they expect, this first contact is crucial to closing the deal.
The main thing that helps is to always put their needs first. "How can you solve their problem?"
This is why you must find their true motivation!
Is it debt relief?
Is it peace of mind?
Everyone is not selling their home because they need money right away. If you are suggesting solutions to the wrong problem, then you will lose the deal.
"I Have a Real Estate Deal Now What?" Part 2 will cover:
How to find true motivation of sellers
Different type of deals
The next step based on the deal
Valarie Jacobs
301-476-8005 office
Come and Network with Valarie Jacobs and Other Maryland DC and VA Real Estate Investors at the Top Real Estate Investor Club in the Washington DC area.
DMV Real Estate Investor association Meets Every 1st Saturday at 9am at the Greenbelt, MD, at the Hilton Garden Inn (Right behind Fridays). Tons of Information and free membership! For more information go to
You can also find Valarie on Tweeter and Facebook.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Maryland, DC, and VA Real Estate Investor Are Making Money With Transactional Funding!
As foreclosures continue to rise, and as our members continue to tie up 20-30 new deals every day... what are you doing to get your piece of this market?
It will only last a few more years and then the play will change. Now is the time to flip foreclosure deals using No money and No credit of your own. You can be in bankruptcy and still you are qualified to use our CASH FOR A DAY funding program to flip foreclosure short sales, REO's and Wholesale deals.
The whole program will be covered tonight at 8:00pm EST at:
Listen by phone this week at the phone number found at the site.
To watch or call in, go to the site and click on LIVE WEBCAST on the Menu bar right before the start time tonight.
Date: Wednesday April 22nd
Time: 8:00pm EST
7:00 CST
6:00 MST
5:00 PST
DMV REIA Meeting
Location Change
The May 2nd and June 6th Meetings
Hilton Garden Inn Greenbelt
7810 Walker Dr.
Greenbelt, MD 20772
The 14 best reasons to get involved with tax liens
- Your entire investment is 100% backed by the Government.
- It's secured by real estate with a 95% margin of safety.
- You earn a super-high rate of return that is not tied to fluctuations in interest rates.
- Your investments won't get whacked 50% to 80% when the stock market turns down.
- You can actually make more money during a recession.
- You never have to buy any properties.
- If you end up with a property (and you hope you do) it's free and clear and can be sold for huge profits.
- It can be done from anywhere in the world.
- There's next to no overhead.
- You don't have to hire employees.
- There's no recruiting your friends and family.
- You don't have to fix leaky faucets, evict tenants or any other conventional real estate headaches.
- You can start with as little as $300.
- And there is absolutely no selling.
What you will learn:
- What is a tax sale certificate
- The Tax Sales Auction Process
- The Tax Lien Bidding Process
- The Foreclosure Process
- Time Line for Tax Sales Ownership
- Specific Expenses of Tax Sale Investing
- Contact numbers and website for every county in Maryland to get tax sale dates
The information being given away this month is invaluable. You have no more excuses for why you can’t get involved in Real Estate. The guest speaker is selling NOTHING! He is simply coming to overload you with information that you can use tomorrow.
The Baltimore tax sale is in a few weeks. You will have complete knowledge on how to get involved in real estate tax investing.
Speaker Information:
Anthony Onwuanibe is a graduate of the University of Maryland School of Law in Baltimore. His practice focuses on the many areas of real estate, from settlement services, through his title company Golden Trust Title & Escrow, LLC, to tax sale and mortgage foreclosures. He has filed over 1000 tax sale foreclosure suits in the last two years and has worked very closely with local municipalities, individual homeowners, individual investors and corporate and non-profit investors.
Anthony Onwuanibe regularly conducts tax sale seminars throughout the State of Maryland. He has been featured in the Daily Record, a business and legal newspaper based in Baltimore and several other publications as a point of contact regarding tax sale and other real estate issues.
We anticipate a full house at the May Meeting. Please RSVP today at We have already reserved a larger space; however, we want to make sure we have materials for everyone.
Do not underestimate the value of receiving such valuable information on a silver platter.
We are so enjoying working with all of you and look forward to all of our continued growth and success in this industry. We remember our motto "Where real estate investors work together for the success of us ALL!" whenever we are planning an event and we want our members to remember it as well when they are networking and looking for support from one another.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Maryland DC & VA Real Estate Investors Get a Spring Break!
$50.00 OFF National Membership Until Monday!
Get connected with the Hottest Real Estate Investing Club to Ever Hit the Washington DC Area!
Whether you are just starting out in real estate investing, or are working on your hundredth deal, the DMV REIA can help you learn more, make more, and have more fun doing it.
-Join DMVREIA, Now!-
- You have found the right place to learn how to make money in Real Estate.
- Learn how to become financially independent through Real Estate
- Find the secrets of those that have successfully made their fortunes via Real Estate Investing
- Learn how to maximize your profits in the affordable housing rental market
- Discover how to protect your wealth once you attain it!
- Explore the many possibilities that Real Estate Investing offers when it comes to tax strategies that will make you wealthy.
- OPM - Learn how to use Other People's Money to accumulate a fortune over time
- Avoid the many pitfalls that typical "landlords" fall into when they don't have the - knowledge to profit from opportunities disguised as problems
"Are You Ready To Join DMV REIA?"
Its Easy To Do and Joining Can Really Jump Start Your Real Estate Career!
-Join DMVREIA, Now!-
What is the DMV REIA?
It is a group of real estate investors from throughout DC, Maryland and Virginia area who meet on a regular basis to share information, leads and contacts, and to help each other learn more about real estate investing. With a growing membership, the DMV REIA is the association for brightest and most successful real estate investors Join the DMV REIA, Now! -
Benefits Of Being A Local Member - Cost FREE
- Attend monthly general meetings FREE!
- Access to Transactional Funding
- Have a network of investors to share ideas, experiences and to do business with.
Local Members of the DMVREIA receive lots of valuable benefits. Along with the numerous events, workshops, and meetings that foster networking and deal making with fellow investors.
-Become a Local DMV REIA Member, Now!-
However, if you are truely serious about taking your real estate investing career to the next level you should invest in becoming a National Member. National Members get everything listed above and so much more!
Benefits Of Being A National Member - Cost 159.00 Spring Break Special 109.00
- Announce Real Estate Deals to the Group at Monthly
- Assignment of an Investor Agent
- Attend our all day workshops
- Receive FREE and/or reduced admission to various Real Estate Association events and workshops.
- Become a Sponsor Member and advertise your product or service to others investors.
- Access to Transactional Funding
- Access to Private National Member Forum
- 20% off on your Quick Books purchases.
- Discounts on insurance through National Real Estate Insurance
- Discounts on Cell Phone service from Saba Wireless.
- Deep discounts through Sherwin Williams on paint, accessories and supplies.
- Discounts up to 65% from Office Max office supplies, copier paper, computer/technology products, furniture and print services.
- Discounts on car rentals through Avis, Budget, and Enterprise.
- Trak-1 Technology is one of the nation’s leading providers of B2B criminal information, offering discounts on instant access to owners of all sizes to conduct background checks in a comprehensive, cost-effective and legally-compliant manner.
- Solveras Payment Systems negotiated discounts help you save on the latest Remote Check Deposit (RDC), ACH/eCheck, Credit/Debit card and related payment processing products for rents or other businesses
- ®ING ®ING - special discounts in telecom for members only
- 40% off are available on books, videos, and other resources available from NoLo Press
- Neil Group - discounts on credit card processing offers our group special rates and services
- National REIA Travel - discounts on hotels, airfare, car rentals, travel packages and vacations
- 40% off are available on books, videos from Dearborn Publishing
- Smart Moves/Apartment Moves planners provide coupons for truck rentals and more, which help soothe the transition of relocation.
- It’s your money. Get it back with CybrCollect’s FREE check collection service.
- Member pricing when you order reports through Trak-1 Technology.
HD Supply preferred buyer program guarantees the lowest published discounted price regardless of quantity ordered and entitles buyers to same day shipping.
-Become a National DMV REIA Member, Now!-
In addition, where else can you network with “hands on” investors that are willing to share their knowledge and experience? If you are considering the world of real estate investing, you owe it to yourself to become a member of the DMV REIA.
What if I don’t have any real estate experience?
Not a problem. As many of DMVREIA members are new to real estate investing, no doubt you will discover that other members share your interest and desire to learn how to become a successful real estate investor. To meet your needs, DMV REIA a diverse schedule of events tailored to the educational needs of a beginning investor. Also, you will find out the experienced investors are eager to offer advice and insight to further assist you on the road to success.
Professional Investors Find A Home At the DMV REIA
From tracking down the right information on complex real estate issues to providing networking opportunities with some of the most successful investors in the region, the DMV REIA has plenty to offer the seasoned veteran.
Come join us as our guest for your 1st meeting and find out for yourself why so many smart investors turn to the DMV REIA for information on how to make more in real estate investing. As one member put it, “DMV REIA taught me that knowledge isn’t just power—-it’s profit!”
Your investment of your time and your energy learning about HOW to become successful in Real Estate - is your single greatest investment you can make. Invest in yourself and receive one-hundred times over the price you pay.
If you think an education is expensive - see how expensive it is without one! Join DMVREIA and begin receiving the benefits, immediately.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009
DC Maryland & VA's Private Investor Club Has Limited Open Enrollment
Get connected with the Hottest Real Estate Investing Club to Ever Hit the Washington DC Area!
Whether you are just starting out in real estate investing, or are working on your hundredth deal, the DMV REIA can help you learn more, make more, and have more fun doing it.
-Join DMVREIA, Now!-
- You have found the right place to learn how to make money in Real Estate.
- Learn how to become financially independent through Real Estate
- Find the secrets of those that have successfully made their fortunes via Real Estate Investing
- Learn how to maximize your profits in the affordable housing rental market
- Discover how to protect your wealth once you attain it!
- Explore the many possibilities that Real Estate Investing offers when it comes to tax strategies that will make you wealthy.
- OPM - Learn how to use Other People's Money to accumulate a fortune over time
- Avoid the many pitfalls that typical "landlords" fall into when they don't have the - knowledge to profit from opportunities disguised as problems
"Are You Ready To Join DMV REIA?"
Its Easy To Do and Joining Can Really Jump Start Your Real Estate Career!
-Join DMVREIA, Now!-
What is the DMV REIA?
It is a group of real estate investors from throughout DC, Maryland and Virginia area who meet on a regular basis to share information, leads and contacts, and to help each other learn more about real estate investing. With a growing membership, the DMV REIA is the association for brightest and most successful real estate investors Join the DMV REIA, Now! -
Benefits Of Being A Local Member - Cost FREE
- Attend monthly general meetings FREE!
- Access to Transactional Funding
- Have a network of investors to share ideas, experiences and to do business with.
Local Members of the DMVREIA receive lots of valuable benefits. Along with the numerous events, workshops, and meetings that foster networking and deal making with fellow investors.
-Become a Local DMV REIA Member, Now!-
However, if you are truely serious about taking your real estate investing career to the next level you should invest in becoming a National Member. National Members get everything listed above and so much more!
Benefits Of Being A National Member - Cost 159.00
- Announce Real Estate Deals to the Group at Monthly
- Assignment of an Investor Agent
- Attend our all day workshops
- Receive FREE and/or reduced admission to various Real Estate Association events and workshops.
- Become a Sponsor Member and advertise your product or service to others investors.
- Access to Transactional Funding
- Access to Private National Member Forum
- 20% off on your Quick Books purchases.
- Discounts on insurance through National Real Estate Insurance
- Discounts on Cell Phone service from Saba Wireless.
- Deep discounts through Sherwin Williams on paint, accessories and supplies.
- Discounts up to 65% from Office Max office supplies, copier paper, computer/technology products, furniture and print services.
- Discounts on car rentals through Avis, Budget, and Enterprise.
- Trak-1 Technology is one of the nation’s leading providers of B2B criminal information, offering discounts on instant access to owners of all sizes to conduct background checks in a comprehensive, cost-effective and legally-compliant manner.
- Solveras Payment Systems negotiated discounts help you save on the latest Remote Check Deposit (RDC), ACH/eCheck, Credit/Debit card and related payment processing products for rents or other businesses
- ®ING ®ING - special discounts in telecom for members only
- 40% off are available on books, videos, and other resources available from NoLo Press
- Neil Group - discounts on credit card processing offers our group special rates and services
- National REIA Travel - discounts on hotels, airfare, car rentals, travel packages and vacations
- 40% off are available on books, videos from Dearborn Publishing
- Smart Moves/Apartment Moves planners provide coupons for truck rentals and more, which help soothe the transition of relocation.
- It’s your money. Get it back with CybrCollect’s FREE check collection service.
- Member pricing when you order reports through Trak-1 Technology.
HD Supply preferred buyer program guarantees the lowest published discounted price regardless of quantity ordered and entitles buyers to same day shipping.
-Become a National DMV REIA Member, Now!-
In addition, where else can you network with “hands on” investors that are willing to share their knowledge and experience? If you are considering the world of real estate investing, you owe it to yourself to become a member of the DMV REIA REIA.
What if I don’t have any real estate experience?
Not a problem. As many of DMV REIA members are new to real estate investing, no doubt you will discover that other members share your interest and desire to learn how to become a successful real estate investor. To meet your needs, DMV REIA a diverse schedule of events tailored to the educational needs of a beginning investor. Also, you will find out the experienced investors are eager to offer advice and insight to further assist you on the road to success.
Professional Investors Find A Home At the DMV REIA
From tracking down the right information on complex real estate issues to providing networking opportunities with some of the most successful investors in the region, the DMV REIA has plenty to offer the seasoned veteran.
Come join us as our guest for your 1st meeting and find out for yourself why so many smart investors turn to the DMV REIA for information on how to make more in real estate investing. As one member put it, “DMV REIA taught me that knowledge isn’t just power—-it’s profit!”
Your investment of your time and your energy learning about HOW to become successful in Real Estate - is your single greatest investment you can make. Invest in yourself and receive one-hundred times over the price you pay.
If you think an education is expensive - see how expensive it is without one! Join DMVREIA and begin receiving the benefits, immediately.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Wake Up MD DC & VA Real Estate Investors and Landlords!
Saturday, April 4, 2009 at 9:15AM
Share His Secrets on How You Can Get 3 Times The Market Rent Guaranteed and Mailed to You Each Month from Government Agencies Without Section 8.
Come hear how Nick Sidoti AKA “DR. CASH FLOW” took a simple idea and turned it into a HIGH CASH FLOW - LOW HASSLE EMPIRE. “DR. CASH FLOW” will teach you how you can DOUBLE YOUR RENTAL INCOME with SPECIAL NEEDS HOUSING. He will share how to rent to college students, veterans, government agencies, and other customers who will pay you big bucks (2 or 3 times more than market rent) for a little extra convenience. NO, this is not Section 8, and NO, you do not need a license or special permit, and YES, you will be blown away by the increase in profit.
“Nick Sidoti has found the key to success in real estate. He has mastered the art of turning rental property into a cash machine.
These are all words that have been used to describe Nick Sidoti, aka “DR. CASH FLOW”bwho has a knack for not only making tons of money in real estate, but also has a good time doing it.
Better yet, he has a gift for teaching others his “Highly Effective Cash Producing Methods” in a way that’s easy to understand and, tremendously entertaining at the same time. His “DR. CASH FLOW, The CA$H REGISTER LANDLORD", presentation will leave you rolling in the aisles and remembering the vitally important, cash producing points he drives home with humor. Nick and his alter egos (yes there are several) will show you how to give your income a giant boost and make tenant problems disappear by using creative property management techniques.
$ How to put $100,000.00 in YOUR POCKET TAX-FREE now.
$ How to market your rentals to government agencies who pay more than market rent.
$ How to avoid the #1 biggest mistake investors are making because they are misinformed.
$ How to say good - bye to the bureaucratic Section 8 inspections.
$ How to dramatically reduce headaches while you’re increasing profits.
$ How to get over $500.00 rent increase per month without evening asking for it.
$ How to get the government to stuff your mailbox full of money the 1st of each month.
$ How to keep your sanity, prevent ulcers, and still have tenants.
$ How to get great tenants who NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, MOVE.
Nick is a full time investor since 1979 and the national expert on student and special needs rentals. He is a seasoned investor, author and columnist who has passed the test of time. He has lectured to thousands at real estate organizations and conventions and across the country for over 20 years.
His credentials include national designation as a R.A.M. - Registered Apartment Manager and C. P.M. Certified Property Manager CPM. He is an award-winning columnist for his column, “DR. CASHFLOW", which is featured monthly in the NATIONAL APARTAMEMT OWNERS ASSOCIATION MAGAZINE, which is the most widely circulated real estate investor publication in the nation. His column is also featured in numerous newspapers and real estate publications around the country. Nick is a previous member of the National Board of Advisors for Financial Freedom Report and the founder and President of Western New York Real Estate Investors, Inc.
See the full event details, including location, at
DC/MD/VA Real Estate Investing and Training - DMV REIA
Learn Real Estate Investing Strategies for Maryland, DC and Virginia at the top rated Real Estate Investment Club in DC, MD and VA!
Meet fellow Real Estate Buyers and Investors near you! Come to a local Real Estate Buying & Investing Club to discuss properties on the market, contracts, mortgages and anything else about land and realty. We have training on the latest investment techniques. If you are not serious about making alot of money this is not the group for you!
Check out what members are saying about DC/MD/VA Real Estate Investing and Training - DMV REIA:
"Others should join DMV REIA because it has alot of positive energy. We provide investors an environment they can learn in, grow in, and feel comfortable in. We allow time for plenty of networking, deal announcements, and we are giving back to the community. We will be doing something for the Covenant House once per quarter. We make everyone feel welcome and feel an ownership of the REIA like it's their REIA." - Dante Mayo
"This group is amazing. The education provided to the members is top notch! The members are the best. I love this group. Everyone is so willing to help one another and share information. It doesn't seem possible that the meetings can get better every month...but they do! This REIA is absolutely awesome and the networking is unreal. Can't wait until next month!" - Valarie
"Valarie is a great resource for any new investor! As a trainer of hundreds of local investors, I think this would be a great meetup to connect with!" - Frazier O'Leary
"Other investors should join this Meetup group because it is small enough to be informative. It was not overwhelming with everyone trying to have their say before the time ran out. You actually had the opportunity to network in an active and positive atmosphere. This Meetup Group left you with a since of accomplishing your goals." - Jennifer
"Others should join this meet up because it's informative and helpful, the people are courteous, the time and place are convenient" - Sharon Garrett
Valarie Jacobs
Follow me on facebook and twitter
Save my seat for Dr. CA$HFLOW!